Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Skewl and Life:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Hey everyone! Thx for visiting my blog! I haven't made a new post for a long time. I guess I never got a chance to for a while. In skewl we are starting a new thingy called Wemuv. We got a pedometer and made an account on the website. It is really fun! I like the game! Also my birthday is in 1 week on Wednesday! I either want concert tickets, a tent, or a wicked hair cut and green streaks. I don't know which one I am getting though. Well I g2g bye!!!!TTYL.

1)What does pedometer measure?
2) What day is my birthday on? As in:week day and number.
3) What does ttyl mean?
******BONUS QUIZ*******
4)This is the first time my birthday is on the same day I was born as in week day. True or False.


Anonymous said...

Hi Krysta,just telling you,you're not getting a wicked hair cut with green streaks!!lol,here goes:
1.how many steps you take
2.Wednesday,May 13th
3.talk to you later
Haha,you goofed up on ttly,it's SUPPOSED to be ttyl,lol. Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

heyy ;P
1)peds measure ur steps or how far u walk/run/wutever lol
2)wednesday may 13
3)talk 2 u l8r! lol
4)definately true!! ;P

luv ya bebe sis!! =P k8lin

canuck1 said...

your steps
wed may 13
try to look young
maybe not false

Mr. L